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Workplace Wellbeing Ideas Your Employees Will Love

Did you know every £1 you invest in the mental health of your employees delivers an ROI of £5.30?

Healthy and happy employees are your best asset as an organisation. And while 53% of businesses have a wellbeing strategy, many companies are still struggling for workplace wellbeing ideas.

Unlike many yoga teachers, I've been on both sides of the coin.

I've been that stressed out corporate employee running on empty in my previous career, and I'm now a corporate yoga teacher helping businesses put their wellbeing strategy into practice. So, what should workplace wellbeing cover and how can you implement it?

Happy female employee in an office to illustrate the importance of incorporating workplace wellbeing ideas into your week

7 areas to cover in your employee wellbeing strategy

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development says there are seven key areas of employee wellbeing - they are: 

  1. Physical and mental health

  2. Good work

  3. Values/principles

  4. Social wellbeing

  5. Personal growth

  6. Good lifestyle choices

  7. Financial wellbeing

In my latest blog, I've come up with nine health and wellbeing ideas to ensure your team members are happy at work, which will ultimately support your business success.

Some cost nothing; others involve financial investment - but as the statistics show, the ROI will be worth it.

All of these ideas will help you to:

  • Reduce stress levels

  • Boost motivation

  • Enhance employee recognition

  • Increase productivity 

  • Help employees prioritise their mental health and wellbeing 

  • Increase employee retention rates

  • Improve employee engagement

  • Create a positive buzz around the office

So read on for my favourite workplace wellbeing initiatives you can organise to energise your workforce.

Workplace wellness ideas for your employee wellbeing strategy

Put work-life balance firmly on the agenda

The best employers understand our work and personal lives are connected, and well-rounded individuals make great employees.

What could you do to support true work-life balance beyond a standard work from home Wednesday? 

How about you:

  • Give employees chance to create a flexible working schedule that reflects their hobbies and interests

  • Offer a budget for personal development or learning

  • Instate a wellness hour for volunteering, therapy, or on-site holistic treatments like massage and reiki

  • Encourage employees to start a passion project, enrol on a course, or learn a language.

Who knows, their new skills may be useful within your business, and if they do eventually turn a passion into a career, they'll shout your praises from the rooftops and boost your employer brand. 

Invest in a plant subscription and start a plant care rota 

Office with large plant to illustrate how office plants can aid workplace wellbeing

I don't need an excuse to talk about the benefits of houseplants - if you've seen my home studio, you'll know I'm a big plant lover - but are you aware they can cleanse the air, reduce noise levels, lower stress, and boost creativity?

As long as you have plenty of natural light, a monthly plant subscription is a wonderful addition to your workplace wellbeing agenda. Your workplace will look, feel, and perform better, and taking turns to tend to your office plants will be a calming experience for your employees.

After all, your working environment has a huge impact on your mental and physical wellbeing and output, and a positive space gives your team a motivational alternative to remote working.

Start a lunch break walking club

Colleagues walking together with coffees - a lunchtime walking club is a cheap, effective and simple workplace wellbeing idea

Taking a lunch break should be non-negotiable in every workplace, and one way to embed this into your culture is by starting a lunchtime walking club.

As wellbeing in the workplace ideas go, it's got to be the easiest and cheapest place to start, and it can boost productivity, morale, and motivation, while even reducing absences.

Employee wellness ideas like lunchtime walking club and walking meetings promote fresh air, physical wellbeing, healthy hearts and lower blood pressure. Get your team out of the office and watch them return refreshed and raring to go.

Organise regular team building socials 

As well as fitness-related team sessions, company socials are a great way to establish a positive culture where every team member feels seen and has the foundations to do their best work.

From my experiences, great relationships are fundamental to great work, and getting away from your desk is a fantastic way to bond. From axe throwing to a good old pub quiz, there are plenty of options to achieve that.

Host financial wellbeing workshops

Financial wellbeing is often overlooked in your average wellbeing programme, yet 72% of people with mental health problems said it put a strain on their finances. And it works both ways - debt can cause anxiety and depression to spiral.

Inviting your whole team to take part in financial wellbeing workshops by a visiting expert is a great place to start in showing you care about every aspect of their wellbeing and support them to stay in control of their money.

Invest in standing desks

Two female corporate employees at a standing desk in an office environment

Upgrading your office furniture isn't just for aesthetic reasons - introducing standing desks will help your team look after their physical health and prevent absence and sickness, too.

One standing desk study revealed workers experienced increased productivity, less upper back, neck and shoulder discomfort, and better health outside of work too.

All of that adds up to fewer absences within the company and more business success, which can only be a good move. Would you try standing desks or have you already? It's something I would've absolutely loved to try in my corporate days.

Create a themed day calendar

Themed days create a workplace environment of positivity and fun, and are also an excellent way to connect, learn and boost employee satisfaction.

Whether you launch a workplace baking club, allow employees to take turns choosing a great cause for a monthly charity day, or select awareness days to mark with themed foods, outfits and activities, the possibilities are endless.

Poll your employees for staff wellbeing ideas

Many employers make the mistake of assuming what will bring health and happiness into their employees' lives, without checking first.

A token free pizza Friday isn't going to solve high levels of workplace stress, for example - so get to understand your team and what they truly need.

The best employee wellbeing initiative is a collaborative creation - so listen, learn, and keep an open mind to make your employees feel seen and recognised. 

You could do this via a simple survey (anonymous if it helps), or a suggestions box for stall wellbeing ideas - this exercise in itself will make your employees feel involved and engaged.

Book corporate yoga

Woman on yoga bolster demonstrating the effectiveness of corporate yoga as a workplace wellbeing idea to improve mental health and boost productivity

I wouldn't be a very good workplace yoga teacher if I didn't include this one!

Taking things beyond the traditional discounted gym membership employee perk, corporate yoga is growing in popularity and it's clear to see why.

It brings teams together, eases the physical and mental strain of sedentary desk life, and improves productivity and concentration.

Boost physical and mental wellbeing at work 

Hopefully, these wellness activities have inspired you with some ideas on how your workplace could improve mental health and reduce stress at work.

Which of them will make it onto your to-do list?

In the busy work week, I know non-work related activities can feel counterproductive, but they’re actually the opposite: taking time out to focus on wellbeing builds happier, healthier, and more efficient teams.

If you're keen to invest in employee wellbeing, corporate yoga has so many benefits for your people, productivity, and profit.

Get in touch with me to discuss Birmingham workplace yoga and online yoga for remote working teams.

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